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Effect of yoga on academic performance in relation to stress

An Experimental Research on the Effects of Yoga on the Physical Functions and Mental Health of University Students

The contribution of yoga to the entrepreneurial potential of university students: a SEM approach

Research and Analysis of the Yoga Affects on University Students' Health

The effestc of yoga an anxiety and stress

A New Transformation in Higher Education: Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

Effects of Yoga on Stress Management in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review

Psychological effects of physical exercise and yoga

Os benefícios do yoga nos transtornos de ansiedade

Hatha yoga: Improved vital capacity of college students

National survey of yoga practitioners: Mental and physical health benefits

Yoga for Stress Management Program as a complementary alternative counseling resource in a university counseling center

Stress Management Strategies For Students: The Immediate Effects Of Yoga, Humor, And Reading On Stress

The effects of yoga on academic performance in relation to stress

The effect of long term combined yoga practice on the basal metabolic rate of healthy adults

Yoga ajuda alunos na concentração para os exames

A randomised comparative trial of yoga and relaxation to reduce stress and anxiety

The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace

Meditation in Higher Education: The Next Wave?

iRest Yoga-Nidra on the College Campus: Changes in Stress, Depression, Worry, and Mindfulness

Torne os seus dias mais produtivos e serenos com a prática regular de YOGA NO IPP!

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